ponedeljek, 2. februar 2015

How to make a massage candle? (Kako narediti masažno svečko?)

Masažne svečke so trenutno v velikem porastu. Ker se bliža valentinovo imam zate idejo kaj pripraviti za svojega dragega, da bosta oba deležna darila (on bo dobil darilo, ti pa boš deležna masaže izpod njegovih rok).

Masažne sveče so narejene iz sojinega voska kar je zelo pomembno saj ima nizko tališče in tako ni preveč vroč ob takojšnjem stiku s kožo. Njegovo tališče je okoli 45 stopinj.

Takšne vrste masaže se prislužuje že kar veliko masažnih salonov. Sama je še sicer nisem obiskala je pa vsekakor primerna za ljudi, ki imajo radi intenzivno toploto. Toplota mišice segreje in tako dopušča, da se le-te sprostijo prav tako pa sprošča psihično napetost. Masažne svečke delujejo po principu, da se iz trdnega voska ob prisotnosti toplote vosek spremeni v masažno olje. Vosek uporabimo tako, da svečo ugasnemo, počakamo malo da se ohladi, ga zlijemo v roko in šele nato nanesemo na masiranca. Masažne sveče imajo poleg samega voska dodana različna olja, masla in eterična olja, kar dodatno neguje kožo in razvaja naše čute.

Za mojo masažno svečo sem uporabila:
- sojin vosek
- mandljevo olje
- karitejevo maslo
- eterična olja po izbiri (uporabila sem limono, bergamotko in ylang ylang)
- vitamin E
- barvilo za sveče
- prazen kozarec (uporabila sem kozarec porabljene svečke)
- stenj in lepilo za njegovo pritrditev

Na dno kozarca z lepilom ali selotejpom pritrdiš stenj. V posodi segreješ vosek, olje in maslo, dodaš barvo za sveče ter na koncu dodaš eterična olja in vitamin E. Naj omenim, da imaš pri izdelavi povsem proste roke. Lahko dodaš poljubna masla, olja in eterična olja po lastnem okusu. Sama sem nora na sveže vonje, tako da sem jo morala narediti obvezno z bergamotko.

Med vlivanjem pazimo, da je stenj pokončen in poravnan na sredino. Svečko postavimo na hladno in počakamo, da se strdi. Lahko jo poljubno okrasimo. Jaz sem jo s servietno tehniko in voila svečka je pripravljena na uporabo. 

P.S.: danes je moj rojstni dan. Res sem vesela, da imam ob sebi prave ljudi, ki me podpirajo in mi stojijo ob strani. Hvala :**


Massage candles are a big trend these days.  For Valentine's day I have an idea what you can prepare for your boyfriend to have the gift for both of you (he will get a gift and you will receive massage from him).

Massage candles are made from soy wax which is very important because it has a low melting point and is also not too hot in the direct contact with the skin. Its melting point is about 45 degrees.

These days a lot of massage salons give this type of massage. I have never attended this massage but it is certainly suitable for people who like intense heat. Heat warms up the muscles and let them relax. It also relax the psychological tension. Massage candles turn from hard wax into massage oil with the presence of intense heat. Blow out the candle, wait a little to cool, pour into the hand and then apply to client. Massage candles are from wax, various oils, butters and essential oils, which nourishes the skin extra and spoil our senses

For my massage candle I used:
- Soy wax
- Almond oil
- Shea Butter
- Essential oils of your choice (I used lemon, bergamot and ylang ylang)
- Vitamin E
- Color for candles
- Empty jar (I used a glass from another used candle)
- Wick and glue to attach

Fix the wick at the bottom of the jar with glue or a tape. Heat the wax, oil and butter, add candle color and finally add essential oils and vitamin E. I should mention that you have a completely free hand with the making. You can add optional butter, oils and essential oils. I am crazy about fresh scents so I use bergamot oil.

During the casting process make sure that the wick is upright and centered. Place the candle in the cold and wait for it to harden. You can freely decorate. I made napkin technique and voila the candle is ready to use. :)

P.S .: Today is my birthday. I'm really glad to have right people on my side to support me. Thanks: **

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